Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Music: Come Home Soon (Aftermath Remix)/ "Journey of the Spark" OST Preview/ Ahlahdeen/ Changeling/ Cheerilee's Big Day

For a change, instead of searching for a random picture of Vinyl, I'll use this as a header.
You all know Feather. So, she wants to go to BronyCon. But this costs. A lot. If you want to help her make that dream come true, watch the video and see its description for a donation link.

And now to some more music... No, I don't have anything else, so enjoy this. It's good stuff.
We have Aftermath's remix of Joaftheloaf's "Come Home Soon", a piece of orchestral OST from the upcoming animation "Journey of the Spark", a new song by TAPS, a dance track by ViFFeX and some Irish folk by QuietWaterMusic.

 Past the break. You. Now.