Monday, November 5, 2012

Moonstuck Series has Reached its Conclusion

Moonstuck, the popular tumblr series, as reached its end. I personally haven't been following, but maybe now that it's complete I'll check it out. Stretching 900 panels long and hundreds of tumblr posts wide, this looks like a project of epic proportions that is in its prime for everyone to jump into. Find the author's main page here, the series, in order, here, and finally the author's newest project, Slice of Life.

Author's farewell message as an additional bonus past the break.

So, that’s that! Moonstuck is over. It’s been a great ride, almost a year to the day. :D 
To answer a few questions I’ve already gotten on the subject: I may continue to draw Moonstuck-related stuff (I’ve drawn these characters for 900+ panels now, old habits die hard!), but there will be no more Moonstuck proper. There will not be a sequel, continuation, Celestia or adult-Luna version, or anything else along those lines, nor will I be “handing the reins” over to someone else. I have no plans to do any spin-offs or another command-based blog, and Average Woona will not be continued. There will not ever be a print version, for sale or otherwise. I havenothing to do with the dubs and I can’t tell you anything about them.  
For extra Moonstuck, here are the relevant tags on my tumblr and deviantArt. For my current pony project, you can check out Slice of Life, a mostly-comics/semi-askblog about the Cakes. c:  
A zip of the entire story will be available soon, along with a general info post for new readers and (possibly) a Q&A post. Right now I need to get some sleep though!  
Thanks for the ride everyone, it’s been awesome. ♡