Monday, November 5, 2012

Miniature Discussion thread #15

Epic bookmark... I forget where from. I'm sure the other blog mods can link the source in the comments

I am busy tonight, so I will be brief. Sethisto once scared a bunch of people on his blog by suggesting he might not want to run his blog forever; that he might one day want to shut EqD down. Now of course this is an improbability for the short term, but longevity and is key for a successful site - and it is something that can't be taken for granted. So how can we ensure this blog runs nicely even if handed down to new mods over the years, indefinitely?

Should we search for a stable way to run the blog with a very large amount of blog mods, or should we keep it relatively small and bring in new folks only to replace old folks? Personally I think lots of mods is better - it would allow us to better preserve our interaction with commenters in the comments (like what I ironically won't be able to do tonight because physics...), and continue traditions like allowing suggestions/content to be submitted in the comments. (Heck, we actually check the comments more than our email at the moment, it seems) Anyways, all in all, what sort of culture would you cultivate behind the scenes of the blog, for the long-term, to keep the blog goals in focus in the years to come?

And even before that, how would you filter folks for prospective blog mod status? In my opinion I think it would be good to measure people's potential merit to the blog by interacting with them in the comments, and anyone who demonstrates a willingness/ability to help out should be given a chance... but that said, you would you filter folks?

...Aaaand good night. Perhaps I can bump this in the morning and we can talk about it then instead.