Apparently its my turn to do the nightly, so have nightly stuff... It is the 2nd anniversary of MLP FIM so put on your party hats and lets *phone ringing* *picks up phone* oh hey Joe *telephone chatter* Yeah I got time, hold on one sec... |head on below would ya|
So Joe as I was saying... I plunged the knife in me, due to the incident , and as I did I shut my eyes for what I thought to be the final time. I felt like I was falling I opened my eyes but saw nothing for I was not in my earthly body, I hit something hard and smooth, as if the floor was made of opal and diamond. I felt myself sliding off... whatever that was. *telephone chatter* alright Joe alright can I just tell my story without you questioning what the ground is made of? *telephone chatter* where was I... oh yeah, I gained my vision just in time to grab on to a foothold where the ground had chipped away, I looked to my left and saw nothing but the slanted ground on which I lay. When I looked to my right I got the real shock, Scootaloo here, she was slowly backing away from someone, something. I looked closer and saw the keeper of the underworld walking towards her, and she was running out of ledge. *telephone chatter* yeah I... woah look at the time! I have to go, nightly megathread to write, we'll talk more later. *telephone chatter* yeah yeah bye.
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