It's not safe to continue through this [drought] alone...
Take this...
What is Love?
Trixie, don't hurt me...
Upheaval: Reckoning Chapter 6
Narated by Forest Rain...
Goodbye MLP FiM
Whoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoa... What?
"Let's Get Technical" By Joseph Houser
With Twilight becoming an alicorn, two big things have happened from that effect (that I'm choosing to fucus on):
- The "Mane 6" is now one unicorn short...
- The "Mane 6" has now become the "Mane 5 plus Princess Twilight"...
Now, lets say that we have to have 2 unicorns, 2 pegasus, and 2 earth ponies to make up the "Mane 6" (mostly for an equilibrium reasoning). And, as an added bonus, instead of referring back to Celestia after mentioning the "Mane 6", it will now be referred back to Princess Twilight after mentioning the "Mane 6"...
With that in mind, who should become the next unicorn to make up the "Mane 6" spectrum? Should Trixie (a unicorn) make up this unicorn shortage in the "Mane 6"? What about turning Derpy (a pegasus) into a unicorn so that she can get A LOT more screen time while [also] being a part of the "Mane 6"?
Note: I don't know about you, but I do feel a sense of unbalance with only one unicorn left in the "Mane 6" mix... (Inb4 Twilight ends up reverting back to a unicorn...)