Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nightly Megathread #121

Hey, Joseph Houser here... I decided to give FPLOON's program a break and I have let myself take over for tonight... *cracks knuckles* It's been a while since I, myself, did the Nightly Megathread that wasn't just a copypaste of what FPLOON wanted in his Nightly post, so bear with me here...

"I'm gonna break it!"
Have some relevant videos...

An unrelated video...

Have an apple...

I... don't know... The tags say otherwise...

Joseph's Discussion Question

So... It has come to this... Those ultimate questions that have been on everyone's mind...

Does the program does a good job of posting the Night;y Megathreads?
Should I do NMs more often?
Is Hyper Season still going on?

(To answer that last question... Yes, for another two weeks, actually...)


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FPLOON: So... Would you like to do more Nightly Megathreads, then?
Joseph Houser: I don't know... It would be more interesting than always copypasting, you know...
Hey! It was 2 weeks almost a week ago!
3 replies · active 622 weeks ago
Do you know how many episodes are in a Season? 26...

That's 3 weeks and 5 days in total... So, there you go...
But there only 13 episodes this season...
I was referring to Adventure Time... and the last two Seasons of FiM...
*Sets half eaten ding dong in bear trap.* *Primes bear trap* Hrrgh!...aah. There we go.

*Stands and turns around* Yeah that will probably do it...

*observes a flat field with every square inch of open ground covered in rigged bear traps each sporting a half eaten ding dong*

*The traps stretch as far as the eye can see, disappearing off into the horizon*

Hmm...I should probably set up some mouse traps as well. Hopefully the mines can still get him if the traps don't. Then there's always the nukes...and if that doesn't work I have the Covenant Armada set to glass the planet on a word.

Hyper don't stand a chance.
13 replies · active 622 weeks ago
*walks up* Hey, Ding Dongs! Didn't they stop making these?
*grabs one*
...what the hell. *Watches as Hyper goes from trap to trap grabbing each ding dong, complains that they are already half eaten, and then throws it away*

Why aren't the traps going off?! *Looks at nearest trap*
Hmm...*pokes gently with stick*


DAFUQ is the problem then?!

*Throws stick away in frustration*
*stick lands 50 feet away on one of the numerous traps setting it off*
*this trap bounces in the air and lands on its neighbor which sets off the others which set off those around themselves causing a domino effect*
*Pudge watches in horror as a massive wave of snapping, gnashing, steel traps and pulped Ding Dongs builds and rapidly approaches*


*Turns to run from approaching Tsunami*
*realizes he's stuck in the middle of the field with traps all around him*


*Wave is now massive and right on top of Pudge*

AAAAAAAAAH! *Takes a step back*


*Mines begin to explode*

*Pudge is sent flying from the explosion*

*In one concussive blast all the mines detonate sending primed bear traps and flaming half eaten ding dongs rocketing in all directions*
What was tha- OH FLYING BEAR TRAPS! *runs*
*Pudge's brief flight ends as he smashes into several vertically standing rockets*

*The impact of Pudge's unconscious smoldering body causes one of the Nukes to tip*

*with a creaking groan of metal it falls unbidden into its brethren knocking them over like dominos*

*Pudge slides of the side of the first nuke and lands limp on the ground*

*The detonator in his pocket is triggered as he hits the hard earth*

*As on the nukes launch from the where they lay in the dust*

*trajectories confused and off course the Nukes meant for the surface of the earth, instead launch themselves into open space*

*One nuke flies off randomly. Scooping up a fleeing Hyper on one of its fins*
*In orbit the Sangheili ship master grows impatient*

*His console lights up with a warning*

It appears the nukes have been launched.

*He looks down on the planet*

I see no Nuclear fires. The human has failed. Pfft. Typical

*Signals his crew chief*

Cleanse this filth

*the Plasma lines on all 154 ships begin to heat and ready for firing*

*Suddenly 153 nukes break atmosphere and as one fly straight at the waiting fleet*


What was that?!

*The ship master needs no answer as the cruiser immediately to his front ignites in pure destructive light*

*in an instant the entire fleet is engulfed in nuclear fire*

*as the last of the nukes detonate the last mortally wounded covenant ship fires its weakened payload before exploding*

*the super heated gas rockets toward the surface of the planet*

*its aim proves true as it strikes dead center of the field, melting and welding wave of traps as it bulges and swells*

*in an instant the traps are all frozen in place, red hot, but perfectly still. Welded to their peers like some sort of gruesome work of art*
*Pudge awakes with a splitting head ache*


*Pudge looks up to see thousands of bears traps sizzling in the cool air. Frozen in place their metal teeth grinning down at him*

*Checks smart phone of super know everything-ness.*

Trap Status- - -DEPLETED
Mines Status- - -DEPLETED
Nuclear Weaponry Status- - -DEPLETED
Orbital Ordnance Status- - -****ING OBLITERATED

**** man. Those ships were still being paid off...

Wait...*types in code* please. please, please, please, Please, PLEASE!

Target [Codename H.Y.P.E.R.] Status- - -ACTIVE


*Miles away*

*Hyper rests next to the smoking form of the stray Nuke. A dud. One in every 154 nukes is.*

- - - 2 weeks to the end of Hyper Season- - -
I... I think I pooped myself...
I think you're quoting Pudge a little...
Oh Ha Ha! I make two poop related comments and all of a sudden I'm the poop guy? Not the, "Comes up with crazy and original comments like the above thread" guy? Nope just poop and jizz! That's all I do!
It reminds me when I associate Elijah Wood to that Huckleberry Finn Disney movie or Tobey Maguire to that Civil War movie "Ride With The Devil"... I never type-cast them as either Frodo for Wood or Spiderman for Tobey... Just like I never type-cast other commenters... I just remind them of a single thing they did, but not their entire character (or typed-character)...
It's alright. It's not like there's anyone here to see it. Made me giggle at least ^-^
FPLOON, I have serious issue with the grammatical errors in your discussion post. Fix them up young man or else you are grounded!
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
Joseph Houser: But... *sniffs* I was the one that was posting this one...
FPLOON: So... Are you going to take care of them or...
Joseph Houser: *sniffs* I will... But, still...
This one is an empty NM.

Whatever, I'm happy. TWO DAYS OFF, WUHU!
7 replies · active 622 weeks ago
I feel like there are still others that haven't recovered from the FiM news that dropped a while ago...
While that are bad news, it's not the end of the world (yet).
Eh... I would care more... But, it would take more than that to make me lose faith in the show... or even make me stop watching it... (Yeah... I still watch the latest Spongebob... I am alone on this one...)
What, you are not alone. I watch SpongeBob as well! And I bet Colgate is also doing it.

Anyway, I decided to not care that much anymore, because it seems senseseless to me. If Twilight remains the same, then I guess it's all fine. Even though she has wings and is even more stronger than before compared to her friends. They were never equal before, they are not equal after. If there are people, which quit to watch MLP because of this, we shouldn't try anything to stop them from going.
When I mean latest Spongebob, I do mean the current episodes that came out in 2012 and 2013... Although I am one of many that still like the first few seasons more than the current seasons, I do have a habit of watching a show til it's own end... even if the show does take a turn that causes most (if not all) fans to lose faith in the show and (in time) cause them to stop watching it (or at least the current stuff) altogether...

The fact that even when I was just casually re-watching the first season (in order this time) while waiting for the next season to come out, I wasn't going to stop watching FiM... Even with the differences between the Seasons, it won't make me question the show's choice of why they did this and not that (or visa versa) since I'll still be enjoying the show no matter what... (So, yes... There is some enjoyment to be had [for me at least] when I watch the latest Spongebob...)
Shows remain basically the same, even over many seasons (except the company decides to dismiss the whole staff). Stop watching it is based on personal changes of taste, not on the show making a huge mistake (at least I don't know any where this happened). Changes are always coming, shows would get boring eventually without them. Thus they are there to keep us watching it, not to shoo us away. I think some fans are just too demanding or too square to accept changes or, if they turn out not in their favor too critically with the change. The writers know what they do, nobody is interested in doing silly things which would cause hate for the show.
True... I remember when I was defending the show Ed, Edd, n' Eddy, since the person I was talking to stopped watching it once the show started sometimes taking place at the character's school rather than their Cul-de-sac, where the show's main setting was... The formula that the show had never changed (that drastically, at least), but with the added new setting paved way to more scenarios to look at among all of the characters... (I even found the series finale, which lead up to a big character reveal and major revelation with each of the Eds as a whole, a great way to end off the series despite having the main setting only in the first few minutes of the finale itself...) I guess you can say that's how I see this all going down, but then again, I don't care what direction the show takes since I'll still be watching it... That's just how I do with any show I like... So, I have nothing to worry about... I guess others see it as that "silly thing" that will make them stop watching the show (or at least anything that comes after it), which I feel like they should at least give it a chance and watch it maybe more than once (this time... like three time, even) before coming to that conclusion...
News? Everyone's talking about this heart shattering news, and I'm just sitting over here with Alicorn Twilight trying to figure out what it is.
5 replies · active 622 weeks ago
I think it has something to do with "Pandas" or something...
I don't think it's heart shattering, but I think I'm one of the only ones that thinks it's mildly upsetting. Yeah, it's no big deal, but I'm a casual and even I think it's sorta unfair to the other five. It throws off balance.

At the end of the day, it IS a kids show though, and what kids want to see is twilight become a princess, so, yeah. Kids take priority.
I feel like there are others that feel the same way you do... But, yeah... Kids do usually take the priority in the demographic department, especially when the show is targeting them...
>At the end of the day it IS a kid's show

That's exactly the stereotype that Lauren Faust wanted to steer away from. That's probably why she left hasbro: because they just didn't get it. The garbage Hasbro shovels into the show doesn't make the show unwatchable because DHX keeps saving the day and making gold out of dirt, but without all that garbage thrown in, the show would've definitely been better.
Didn't you hear? Twilight has an older brother!
My Little Hecarim..............

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