Samurai Applejack by *PixelKitties |
I'm excited to see the Sombra art, even if he wasn't the greatest villain ever. I'm sure Applejack can defeat him with a katana if Shining Armor's magic fails. That is surely how it works. Comics, with some minor spoilers, after the break (just in case Xyro hasn't got the episodes up by the time this is posted).
1. Heart of Stone by *Karzahnii
inb4 Rarity find out. ForeverAStone.png
2. Juice Box Entity Theory by *DocWario
I wish my juice box entity was this advanced. Or is it... does it require being sipped by Pinkie before it acquires its abilities?
3. I'm Not Crazy! by *Baka-Neku
Why do I get the feeling this is a satire on bronies? Nah, I'm sure Twilight is just cray cray. At least I hope...
4. Why not? by ~colgatetail
Why not? Because internet has its preferences, and we have to respect that. inb4 muffins/cupcakes parody fanfic.