Sunday, March 24, 2013

The best Animations you will see

If you could only view one thing online today, it needs to be this post. |go past the break please and see for yourself|

Yes I know Derpy didn't get removed from the show and in fact appeared in the season 3 finale over 4 or 5 times in the background.

Yes I know Hasbro is not a maniacal company bent on destroying all that is great about Friendship is Magic.

This was just an old animation I was working on a few weeks ago that now pretty much has no more relevance so I'm just going to release it as it is.

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#1 Wait, there's no way to kill Trixie? Noooooo etc.
#2 Because that's what you do with corpses. Throw them in the trash. Yeah.
Bon Bon: "Ere, ee says ee's not dead."

Hasbro: "Yes he is."

:) :) :) :)
1. Wow Trixie really dodged a (magic) bullet! Must be a member of the A-Team.
2. Derpy is still alive and kicking, though Hasbro seems to have forgotten her name.

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