Friday, January 25, 2013

PMV: Discord Unchained/ When I'm Pinkie Pie/ Snails/ Fear of Flight/ Harder to Breathe for Fluttershy

Mike-style comedy brought to you by the "Mike Institute of SCIENCE" (MIS)!
Take this PMV post as your ticket to... uh... the "Triple-G", yo!

We got some Django from Fraptr6, a "When I'm" PMV for Swat from Girl14302910, an interesting simple PMV from ObbsessiveBookworm, an Aviators PMV from gettothechoppa32, and a Fluttershy PMV from MuffinLovnPrductions...

1. Discord Unchained
2. [PMV] When I'm Pinkie Pie
3. Snails (PMV)
4. Fear of Flight (PMV)
5. Harder to Breathe for Fluttershy [PMV]