Thursday, January 17, 2013

Artsy #135

Yeah. A little courtesy of mine.
Don't worry, I didn't abandon my ancient tradition of using [Dark] headers...

We've been blessed with three excellent drawings of Fluttershy. I mean... really excellent. Get your cardiac pacemaker ready and head on down past the break for Fluttershy and more.

3 (source)

You are still alive after these three? Dammit...

12 (source)
That's pretty much how the moon cannon works. *wheeee*

15 (source)
44 69 67 69 74 61 6c 20 70 6f 6e 69 65 73 3f

16 (source)
59 65 73 2e 20 44 69 67 69 74 61 6c 20 70 6f 6e 69 65 73 2e

39 (source)
You're drunk, Fluttershy...

42 (source)
... That's better.

48 (source)

66 (source)

Don't tell me this isn't a happy pony either...

I'm sorry...