Thursday, December 20, 2012

Nightly Megathread #82

Okay... There are three things that are true about this NM...

1. You will learn something (if you choose to watch it...)
2. There will be cupcakes... (No reference intended...)
3. The haiku is a lie... (but, then again... This one may also be false...)

Page break? "Read more"? You clicked it anyway...
Friendship is Everywhere

This video is both educational and insightful... and it has Carl Segan, so you know the first two things it has are completely legit... Watch Carl Sagan's famous Pale Blue Dot speech... "re-envisioned" by ponies...

Best Swing Ever

A jazz cover of "At The Gala"? ¡Me gusta! (Yeah... I'm not joking...)

Black Ops 2: Scootaloo Emblem

Radio may not play Black Ops 2... But, I'm pretty sure he would want this in his Scootaloo collection...

Dirty Mackem

If you don't get it, then you probably do not see how clever this PMV is...

Lightning Dust -DanceDanceRevolution mix-

The Remix War is coming...

Rainbow Cupcakes

My mouth is drooling...


This haiku is lost...
It was once hidden, but now...
It's meaning is lost...

Challenge Time!

It's time for another challenge, and this one does require a bit of teamwork... Because, tonight... Not only are you making haikus, but you can only reply to comments in a haiku... Also, if you can't make a full haiku, then you can start one off and have someone reply with the next line or the rest of the haiku...
