Thursday, December 20, 2012

Comics: Do Not Cross / A Little Horse / Impending Failure / Screen Time / A Lyra Christmas /

When your tongue is synced that well with your pupil dilation, you can offiicially state your body language level is at Pinkie Pie. And now that finals are over, I can finally post again! Well, post without feeling like I'm about to fail all my classes. Comics after the break so I can let the lack of stress soak in.

1. Do Not Cross by =10art1

The first time I ran through the comic I just watched Lyra build the lego dude and ignored the text. Sorry Deputy Derpy.
2. A Little Horse by ~MrBastoff

Rainbow Dash crying made this joke much funnier than it should have been.
3. Impending Failure by =Veggie55

So after you get out of detention Twilight, I'd use Spike as a seriously proficient tactical advantage in future snowball fights.
4. Screen Time by ~DerpiliciousPony

Someone should see if Cadence or Luna has had more screen time... though I'm afraid the result may make some people upset.
5. A Lyra Christmas! by ~MrFulp

Merry Christmas everyone!