Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nightly Megathread #10

Have I got a puzzle for you...
Hey, everyone!  Shuup here!  Due to my time zone, I'll probably be in bed by the time this thing goes up.  So I'll try my best to communicate with you from beyond the icy-cold grip of sleep.  But I can only do that if you click on past the break.  So, what are you waiting for?

First thing's first.

Next, up, we have another Gangnam Style video.  No, seriously.  Just trust me.  This one has a bit of a twist... 

You've all been given admission to the Grand Galloping Galla.  So, how will this single dance fulfill all your wildest dreams?  And in what way will these dreams be crushed by the harsh reality of it?  Be wild, be elaborate, be creative, just so long as the dance leaves you feeling hollow and unfulfilled.  What are you waiting for?  There's dreams out there just begging to be wrecked!