Friday, January 11, 2013

Nightly Megathread #103

My face when modship...

This is Hyper's Nightly Megathread
He hope it finds you well
You're invited to post comments
'Cause I think you're really swell

DD just made me a mod
So help me celebrate
The vids will be hilarious
The Discussions'll be first rate

Game and Animations: My little pony twilight reflection

What? I have to post? but I wanna play games... |the game, and some animations after the break|

Dan Vs FiM: Bubbles

Your friendly neighborhood Hyperdudeman here. A nifty little animation for y'all after the break (provided I don't derp it up).

Comics: Dangerous mission outfit / Me and My Mommy / Gilda punches Silva / Discovery

(I'm learning to use the awesome art for the headers)

I was playing around with flash embeds for the header. Lets cross our fingers (hooves?) and hope this works!... Apparently that embed comes with music...? I've put it after the break instead. Oh and here's the artist that made it.

Below, after the break, there are some comics!

Artsy #124

^masterpeice (also this is speculative, and made in five minutes on Memegenerator, so take it lightly)

Have an evening artsy post! There's a couple really great gifs in this one! On behalf of the artists, as well as SleepToFade and Hyperdudeman, I hope you enjoy!

Lend a Helping Hoof

A couple of days ago, I met a guy who helped me put away my necessities from the store, with only asking for a small payment of any number in return... He was homeless...

Now, a fellow Brony named ViFFeX has reached a troubled situation, and needs help making sure that he doesn't end up without a home to go to... Any donations you give him will lead to him doing something for you in the future...

Click here or after the break to see the video to find out more about what you can do to help this Brony out...

Music (Instrumental): At Long Last/ Tales From a Crooked Eye/ My Wings Make Me Fly

Header "suggested" by TwilightIsMagic!
Because we see it all, but recognize what we want to
a problem ain’t such until the circumstance confronts you
and keep you backing up until there ain’t no where to run to
and karmic implication builds a wall you can’t run through

We got some Lullasynth from Neighsayer, some instrumental piano from Orion Melody, and some trance/house from DJ Luna!

Thank you, SleepToFade... You are like the entertainment Sweetie Bot (only without the neutral disagreements... No offence, SB...)

1.  Neighsayer - At Long Last
2. Tears From a Crooked Eye
3. My Wings Make Me Fly - DJ Luna
4. Octavia's Overture
5. The Last Reunion
6. Sunshine and Celery Stalks

Updated with three more songs by MikeNanotube

Crossovers in a nutshell

Aaaaand then the Rainbow Dash fans become more jellier than a jelly doughnut.

Official Comic #3 Previews Available Now

Can't wait till January 30th(?) for the next official FiM comic? Well Itunes has put up a preview of the first few pages which you can find here, or in the relevant article on The Round Stable. (spoilers, obviously)

Also while the blog's relatively quiet, why not start up a discussion?
By now you've probably seen this at some point. So here's the prompt: if Rainbow Dash had to do battle with one character from another show/book/movie/game/misc form of media, who would it be, and who would win. Examples after the break to get you thinking.

Artsy #123

1 (source)
In other words, Artsy #OMG. I thought someone would make an artsy last afternoon, but it didn't happen so the art kinda piled up a little... I made the post in half an hour, thank goodness for the program (there may be some accidental duplicate images though). Good luck on your trek to the comments!

Comic: Sparkles Experiments

 I randomly started thinking about Star Trek just now...

Let's kick off the morning with a comic series called "Sparkles Experiments" by NavitasErusSirus. The on-going series follows Twilight's V-log entries, which consist of her testing out certain spells on her friends...

FPLOON: And let's just say the results... *takes off shades* may very...
Mike: *yay*

Anyway, go past the break for the latest installment in the series or, as a refresher or new to this comic series, click here to start from the first Log Entry in the series...