Joseph Houser: So... How's the new program going?
FPLOON: Which one?
Joseph Houser: The time program...
FPLOON: Oh... That program... *pauses* Yeah... It hasn't been use that often... In fact, I don't think anyone has actually noticed it on, in fact...
Joseph Houser: *thinking* Do you think... *pauses and sighs* Nevermind...
FPLOON: *eyes glowing* Bring out the dancing NM!!
30 Years of Friendship
Yes, this is pony crossover presentation of each of the current generations of My Little Pony... Fron Gen 1 to Gen 4, although watching this has made at least one person wanting to see Gen 1... (Guess who?)
Magical Mystery Cure Short
Twilight became a WHAT???
The Fun Has Been
It's still been doubled... I mean, just in different languages of course...
Better than all seasons of MLP?
It still needs more ponies... but, that's just me... I'm just saying...
They say magicians...
never reveal their secrets...
But, I'm a wizard...
Ponies React To...
The weekend's coming up soon, and you're favorite pony (or any pony) has agreed to watch anything this weekend that you enjoy...
Based on that pony's personality (ponyality?), how will they be reacting to what they will be watching? Remember, they agreed to see what you enjoy watching, not something that's intentionally suppose to appeal to them...
Now, place your predictions in the comments...