Thursday, October 4, 2012

Music : Life With a Discordant Philosophy / Evil Queen Chrysalis / Rattler Ridge / Tartarus

#1 Life With a Discordant Philosophy (Progressive Metal)
#2 [GatoPaint + Jotapeaspu] Evil Queen Chrysalis (Reina Malvada)
#3 Ponycraft Applelosa - Rattler Ridge
#4 Peak Freak - Tartarus

Have some epic music! We have some Discord for the first one, Chrysalis being "EVIL! EVIL!! EVIL!!!" in the second, a song that made me reminisce of Mortal Kombat inside the deep mysterious third slot, and a creepy atmospheric song based off of Tartarus in fourth. Can you believe that place has a three-headed giant guard dog? I should get myself a dog like that...