Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Music: Amygdala / War of the Equestria / Twilight Venture V / Boogiemare

This blog can't handle all the awesomeness STF keeps sending in! 

Yet more music submitted by SleepToFade... At this point, we should have a "SleepToFade and Friends" banner for a day XD

Also while I'm posting stuff I might as well link to that quick-fix for image distortion. It works just because Blogger's HTML interpreter is smart. But as a quick fix, it means we have to go through submitted content and make a few modifications before posting, which kind of defeats the purpose of making the program to save time. I've found alternative, more permanent solutions in Jquery or Jsoup, but I'm not sure I'll have time to make those today. Also the good thing about those is I could make a decent spider, or maybe even an open-source alternative to Website Watcher... But that stuff's far away in the future probably.

Anyways, embeds after the break!

  1. Lectro Dub - Amygdala
  2. Carbon Maestro - War of the Equestria
  3. SherbetSix - Twilight Venture V
  4. Hirosashii - Boogiemare
  5. Singing Telegram Duet
  6. Rainbow Skies - DJ Luna
  7. Out-Staged - Error404
  8. Koroshi-Ya - (Girl) You Know I Love You

... ... Yeah, I just added a few more.