Friday, January 18, 2013

Artsy #136

"You want to reform me?"

Header obviously chosen in view of the occasion.
And because it's cute... and Fluttershy... smiling...

Do you need a hint where to find all the other art? Take this.

3 (source)
That smile... That hair... *strokes imaginary Twi plushie*

5 (source)
Them lush surroundings...

13 (source)

17 (source)
What? I already used this one? Aw, boo hoo hoo!

27 (source)
At least she didn't launch it on Twilight, too. You don't get what I mean...

33 (source)
Hey, Bob. Nice weather today, huh? I'm so dead...

41 (source)

43 (source)
You thought her mane was long?...

44 (source)
...Then look at her tail.

45 (source)
Derpy wants a tail like hers...

47 (source)
And here she already forgot about it...

61 (source)
Eww, humans...

68 (source)
At least I got a sad one. Wait... Ouch...

Your happy pony

Didn't have a [Dark] header in a while...

What... The shadows... They lighten up around me...?... No... it can't... Ugh...